Orange County IHSS Public Authority Advisory Committee


The IHSS Supportive Services (IHSS) Advisory Committee was established by the Orange County Board of Supervisors in accordance with Assembly Bill 1682 which mandated the formation of the IHSS Advisory Committee. The purpose of this Committee is to provide ongoing advice and recommendations regarding IHSS to the County of Orange Board of Supervisors, any administrative body in the county that is related to the delivery and administration of IHSS, and the governing body and administrative agency of the Orange County IHSS Public Authority.

Role of the Advisory Committee

IHSS Advisory Committee has the following duties and responsibilities:

  • Staying informed/educated on the IHSS issues
  • Provide input on IHSS issues
  • Participate in outreach and educational activities
  • Preview, advise and make recommendations to the Board of Supervisors, via the CEO’s legislative staff, on pending legislation that may impact the IHSS Program, Recipients and Providers
  • With the approval of the Governing Board, engage in advocacy activities related to IHSS Recipient and Provider issues


Regular Meetings: Every 3rd Thursday of the January, April, July, and October
1:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. 

1505 E. Warner Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705

Requests for previous meeting agendas and minutes can be submitted to


July 18th, 2024
   ■ Notice of Cancellation 7-18-2024

April 18th, 2024
   ■ Notice of Cancellation 4-18-2024

January 18th, 2024
   ■ Notice of Cancellation 1-18-2024


October 19, 2023
   ■ Notice of Cancellation 10-19-2023

July 20, 2023

April 20, 2023
   ■ Notice of Cancellation 04-20-2023

January 19th, 2023
   ■ Notice of Cancellation 01-19-2023


August 18, 2022
   ■ Notice & Call 08-18-22
   ■ ITEM 4a: IHSS Calendar Ending September 2022
   ■ ITEM 4b: IHSS Calendar Ending December 2022
October 20, 2022
   ■ IHSS Calendar Ending September 2022


The IHSS Advisory Committee is comprised of eleven (11) Members

7 Members Recipients (current or past users of personal assistance services) – one (1) selected from each supervisorial district and two (2) selected at-large
2 Members Individual IHSS Providers selected at-large
1 Member Representative from a community based organization or public agency serving the disabled and/or elderly nominated by the Board of Supervisors' Chair
1 Member CEO or designee


The Board of Supervisors appoints individual committee members for four (4) year terms. Anyone interested in becoming a committee member may contact the OC IHSS Public Authority at 1-714/825-3174.


Current Committee Members

Recipient Members Supervisorial District Appt.
Vacant First
Vacant Second
Shawn Stewart Third
Vacant Fourth
Vacant Fifth
Vacant Recipient-At-Large Appt.
Vacant Recipient-At-Large Appt.
Individual IHSS Provider Members
Cynthia Williams Provider At-Large Appt.
Helen Valdez Martinez Provider At-Large Appt.
Vacant CBO Designee
Julia Rinaldi CEO Designee


Membership Application – Form

The Advisory Committee is currently recruiting to fill positions that require the member to be a past or current IHSS Recipient residing in Orange County.

Recruitment flyer