“Working hand in hand with the community to serve In-Home Supportive Services Consumers so they may remain safe and independent in their own home.”
The County of Orange Board of Supervisors with the establishment of an Ordinance on February 5, 2002, created the Orange County In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Public Authority. The Orange County IHSS Public Authority provides the elderly, blind, and individuals with disabilities assistance in finding a prescreened homecare Provider who will enable them to live independently and remain safely in their homes.
Services offered by the Orange County IHSS Public Authority include:
- Homecare Registry
- Provider Enrollment Processing
- Training for IHSS Consumers and Providers (for additional information and training schedule click here)
- Employer of Record for IHSS Provider wage collective bargaining with United Domestic Workers of America

IHSS Information
The IHSS program is a statewide mandated program administered by each county under the direction of the California Department of Social Services. It enables those who are disabled, blind or over the age of 65 with limited income in–home care services (IHSS Provider) to help them remain safely in their own home.
Who Is Eligible?
A California resident is eligible for IHSS if they:
- Are SSI/SSP or Medi-Cal eligible
- Are living in their own homes (not a board and care or nursing home)
- Are blind, disabled or 65 years of age or older
- Are unable to live safely at home without care
- Meet certain financial requirements
Note: Residents of long term facilities may not receive IHSS in the facility, but may apply if they are expected to be discharged so that IHSS is in place when they return to their homes.

What Is A Needs Assessment?
A social worker reviews your need for in-home care based on your functional level; medical condition; your living arrangement; and assistance, if any, you may be getting from your family, friends, and community. Using guidelines developed by the California Department of Social Services, the needs assessment determines the services you are authorized to receive. Verification of your medical condition is required from your medical Provider.
Who Provides The Services?
You, the IHSS Consumer, determine who you hire to be your Provider. You are responsible for hiring, training and supervising your Provider. You can contact your social worker or IHSS Public Authority to assist you if you do not already have a Provider. Important Reminder: Following the needs assessment, the social worker will determine the type of services and the number of hours you are authorized to receive. Providers are paid directly by the State of California.
How Can I Apply?
To apply for In-Home Supportive Services, call the County of Orange Social Services Agency at 1-714/825-3000.
Please note:
is also known as: Homecare Provider or Caregiver
Please note:
is also known as: IHSS Recipient or Client